The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, October 31, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Obamacare? It's quite obvious the people of America is fed up with it so far. Obama and a few colleagues met in the dark of night in the White House dungeon lab of doctor FRANKENOBAMA to create the monster. In the secret dungeon Obama and his friends in the insurance and  business industries created  the MONSTER piece by piece.  Their was no transparency for the American public. Deals were made behind closed doors without any consultation with us Americans. This Obamacare monster turned out to be an atrocity.

Once Dr. FrankenObama released the monster on the public it began to to ravage millions of people. The Obamacare health website was set loose to soon and it caused  enormous damage to many individuals and businesses across the country Trying to meet deadlines and demands that ALL Americans had to pay for medical care and be enrolled by 2014 was a complete fiasco. In fact, a basic fault was that the security protection of the government website was nil. The personal and private information that people had to provide to the website was not protected nor secure in any way.

There is no reason for that folks (except political) because the government already had numerous websites up and running to handle such things as veterans affairs, senior citizen and social security matters, pension, Food Stamp programs, Welfare, Immigration , E-Verify and tons of other services for  the American people. So why couldn't the government roll out another website that works just as they have been doing for decades?  POLITICS, POLITICS, POLITICS is my answer..

Here's my view - - this Obama care health garbage is not a plan where "one plan fits all." But that is what we can expect to get when the plan is put together in the dark, with not one shred of transparency.

What would have been better folks is a one plan fits all model - -like the current Medicare plan we have in place. Medicare has been working very well for decades and servicing millions of senior citizens without too many problems along the way. I submit that if Obama would have said he would extend Medicare to every individual in the nation and tweaked the program (while cutting out the billions of dollars) of fraud and waste already in the Medicare program - - it would have been much better than what his Obamacare health plan has to offer. A good example of Obamacare's failure is:  (a) Already, insurance companies are finding ways to raise the premiums and costs for every individual that is enrolling in  Obamacare - - and:  (b) Too many lies were made to the American people.

What the devil is supposed to be affordable with this monstrosity?  I say NOTHING! An example for your consideration is; A young couple here in Nevada was paying $142.00 a month for their insurance coverage but after enrolling in Obamacare the premiums shot up to $450.00 a month. Again, what's so affordable about the  Obama's plan? I will make a prediction right now that this couple will probably be paying possibly $600.00 or $700.00 a month within a year once the insurance companies get through with them.

What about the lie Obama perpetrated on the country when he shouted from the podium:  "If you like your current plan, you can keep it."  That was a bare face lie people. The young couple I referenced is living Obama's lie . They could not keep their old plan.

Better yet, a better plan would have been to enroll every American into the SAME  heath care program that currently serves all federal employees, the Congress and the president. Folks, I remind you of what Obama said while running for president. He said on numerous occasions that we Americans should have the same health plan and health care that he and Congress is covered under. But, like Pinocchio he lies and his nose grows bigger and bigger every day. So much for that promise. Right?

I truly believe we Americans should have the same health coverage as president Obama, Congress and  Federal employees. It seems very strange that Obama and Congress can build  this MONSTER in the depths of a  dark dungeon without anyone monitoring its vitals signs, turn it loose on us  Americans and tell us it is what's good for us wile he, Obama, and Congress pass legislation that exempts them from the program. They themselves want to sat as far away from  the Obamacare plan as they can get.

Obama  feels okay to unlease this bits and pieces boondoggle (that's currently not even up and running) on us and demand that we pay for our medical care or be fined while he and Congress say, it's "good enough for you" BUT "not for us."  What is the hell is the matter with this picture people?

I also like to suggest that the president and Congress should have to use the same programs as we, the people have to use. I feel that: "What's good enough for us should be good enough for them."  My question is: If it IS NOT good enoigh for them why should it be good enough for us?

Personally I would likie to see a  SINGLE-PAYER sytem for health care in this country. Come On! the fact is that EVERY other industrialized and civilized nation in the world has  health care  for ALL THEIR CITIZENS - -  (EXCEPT) the Uniited States. 

People, we here in America pay twice as much for health care than every other person in other civilized countries and receive and get only HALF of the satisfactory results of those other countries. people in those other countries that DO have a single-pay system are treated more often and live longer lives. Sure. there are those  who say those other countries make you wait for  treatment but ALL in ALL  those single pay heath systems provide patients with better health care and the chance to lead a healthier and longer life without the stresses of the patient/person having to spend every last dime they earned in their lifetime to pay for a mish-mosh of sporadic heath care that may resuklt in their ealry demise.

Again, I remind you readers - - the President,Congress and the Federal emplyees have such a plan. They literally pay for nothing, (at our expense) while having some of the  top, elite medical practitioners and teams caring for them. Why not us?

With all of the the billions we are wasting on foreign aid, unwarranted wars around the globe, paying corrupt heads of conntries that actuallt hate America we could clearly have health coverage for each and every citizen in the United States. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Why is it that President Obama never is aware of things happening in his administration or around the world. Lets look back at some of the things Obama says he had no prior knowledge of: Let's review- there was  the Fast & Furious gun running foul up , the Benghazi murders and attack,  the snooping scandal by the IRS and the NSA wiretap scandal. Wait! there's more. How about the  solar panel fiasco that cost us taxpayers over $500 million dollars because friends of Obama at Solyndra Solar asked the White House for  the money? They got the gift and then they filed for bankruptcy.  Who made out on that deal folks? There's still  more to come - - and the beat goes on - - Obama says he  had no knowledge of the Libyan and Syrian uprisings. He also claims he was not aware of  the NSA eavesdropping on leaders of Germany, Italy Spain, France and other countries around the world.  And now he disavows any knowledge of the Obamacare health care plan mismanagement and error laden website.

What does that tell you folks? Either he is lying to us or he is really an incompetent president trying to lead this nation. People, every time a situation comes up that borders on embarrassment and/or scandal this president shows his face on television and  tells everyone- "I was not aware of this."

My question: Is this guy kept in the dark like a little mushroom in a dark cellar?. You would, think so based on his "I know nothing" defense.

It's sad to say but i believe Obama has been trying to run a country in his position that is way, way, above his pay grade. From the beginning  he  never ever had governmental experience, never served  in the military and clearly never had any foreign policy experience among other things. All Obama's claim to fame was prior to being president was his acting as a "street organizer" in the corrupt city of Chicago, IL.

Yet people elected him because he said  he offered "hope and change." Folks, that was nothing new. Everyone, including you and I are always wishing for "hope and change." We hope the country will be a better place for our children, we all hope for better opportunities and income, etc. - - everybody has and does "hope."

As for change? Yes,  most people in this country want change but they want change for the better. Obama said he would change the country for the better, didn't he? But he did not carry through with that promise nor did he carry through with other promises. Running for president he said he was against the war in Iraq and said he would immediately bring troops home. None of that materialized, did it? Instead he pursued the war in Afghanistan and increased the troop strength.  He squandered billions of dollars on  two up front open wars and a covert war in Pakistan. He gave millions and millions  of dollars in "cash", hand carried in brief cases and containers to Hamid Karzai, the president if Afghanistan in order to buy Karzai's favor and corruption.

My belief is the world and this country is much worse off now than it was before Obama took office of the president. For example -TRUE, Libya, Iraq and Syria and other countries were run by dictator's BUT before we , the United States stuck our nose into  these other countries internal politics those countries were doing just fine. The world was stable, our country was doing well, and Libya, Iraq and Syria, just to mention a few, was  going along just fine,. The Libyan , Iraq and Syrian people were used to living under the rules of their leader's and were  for all intent living a good life. But now look what the United States interference and mucking around in other countries politics has caused..The Middle East is ablaze, Libya, Iraq and Syria is in  turmoil and the entire region is much worse off than they were before.

Folks, I submit we here in this country could have  seen much better times with economic growth,  more jobs, more  money in peoples paychecks, lower gasoline and food prices and people feeling more happy, secure and confident if Obama would  have carried through on his  promises and stopped spending billions and billions of our tax dollars on  never ending wars that should not have happened in the first place.  Just imagine what all of those billions could have been used for in this country?

It appears to me that Obama and his administration are throwing this country to the wolves and taking us down the path of a third world country. He is spending money like a drunken sailor. In fact,  every time Obama wants to spend more money such as  giving billions of dollars in foreign aid to Egypt, Israel,, Pakistan and others or to  pay off  corrupt leaders for their supposed loyalty he just  has our Treasury print up the money. Obama is printing money faster than you can say Obama." He feels as though he has his own little printing press for his personal use. No wonder our American dollar is becoming more worthless each and every day.

So, we have a man in the office of President of the United States that relishes in the fact that he can cause conflict and turmoil around the world, spend billions of our taxpayer dollars on corrupt  leaders of other nations,  participate in on going wars, neglect domestic problems here at home, have our Treasury print up money like it's going out of style and he has the audacity, arrogance and gall to face the nation and try to convince us that he has no knowledge of any scandalous incidents. He is a man that seems to lack credibility, veracity and common sense and a man who refuses to take responsibility for anything. I say, if you believe that Obama really had no knowledge of  all of these scandals I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Saturday, October 26, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Some of my editorial is taken from a fine article that recently appeared in the Los Angeles Times. So I will cite instances from  the article entitled;  "Salmonella-free Chicken."

Recently there was a serious salmonella outbreak across the country that sickened hundreds of people because they ate chicken from Foster Farms. What gripes me is that Foster Farms refused to recall the suspected tainted chicken that was shipped from their plant. Foster Farms said that "salmonella-tainted poultry" is safe to eat if thoroughly cooked. Wow! that's like Foster Farms saying, - -okay, there is unsanitary conditions and contaminated equipment at the plant which allow bad bacteria and animal poop to saturate the meat but - -hey! That's okay. Just cook it thoroughly consumer. Can you imagine the arrogance of this company?

It may well be true that cooking the chicken thoroughly will kill the bacteria but Come On! If the salmonella was caught in the beginning stages the contaminated chicken would not ever have to be shipped out to consumers. A word of praise to COSTCO stores. They sold rotisserie chickens from Foster Farms and recalled tens of thousands of pounds of poultry after finding salmonella even in the cooked chicken.

What it shows is that the chicken producers are blaming the  salmonella tainted outbreak on the customer. Telling us to "just cook the bad meat thoroughly."

What really concerns me is that the Consumer Union's testing found rates of contamination in Foster Farms chicken to be HIGHER than in other major brands, 29 percent compared with only 6 percent for Perdue Chicken and 7 percent for Tyson Chicken.

Now to bring the point home lets look at the difference between our governments safety precautions versus Sweden.

Sweden's government makes it perfectly clear that it's consuming public does not have to turn their kitchen into a hospital and/or clinic in order to prepare their chicken dinner. Sweden's inspection system is outstanding. They test the product at multiple  key production points, starting at the  hatchery. Any infected egg or animals MUST be destroyed; then, inspection and cleanup procedures prevent contamination of equipment or other animals. NOTHING is shipped from a facility where salmonella has been found until all animals are inspected and declared " salmonella- free." The nice thing about their inspection process is that - - THE ENTIRE process is paid for by the poultry industry.

In addition, Sweden does not allow poultry operations to fight salmonella with the preventative use of antibiotics, which has been linked to the rise of resistant strains.

BUT people, The United States poultry industry continues to pump antibiotics into our chicken supply as a preventive move against salmonella. My though on that? It's bad policy, bad practice, bad for the food and bad for the consuming public. Pumping antibiotics into the chickens and permeating the chicken meat with those antibiotics is wrong.

The article made a good point - - basically it was this: For to long now, in the United States, the agriculture industry has  successfully pushed and prodded  Congress and regulatory agencies(through lobbying efforts, political contributions, latent bribery, trips, and freebies) into accepting practices that are literally sickening the public, the consumer.  I submit that we the consuming public insist that the USDA and the agricultural operations are mandated and compelled to recall ALL infected products. Better yet, why not adopt the same requirements in the U.S. that Sweden has in place? It has been working very well there. It protects the consumer and you would think that is what the United States regulatory agencies would want for us here in this country. And, the best part is it could be put into place very quickly and would not cost us taxpayers any money. It would be paid for by our poultry industry.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The FDA and governing agencies that are  designed to protect us humans and pets are falling down on the job. Just recently 600 beloved pets died because of contaminated pet treats. And like before the treats were imported from CHINA. When is this country going to learn that China  constantly cuts corners when they ship item's into this country, many for pet and human consumption?

Remember the lead in toys? Remember the lead and other contaminants in candy? How about the contaminated milk that affected children and adults?  Worth mentioning is the contaminated and counterfeit medications shipped into the U.S. by China on a regular basis. Beside the tainted and counterfeit medications that were used in hospitals and clinics in this country China also exported Chinese herbs that were contaminated with such things as arsenic, lead, mercury, heavy metals and many of those supposedly natural herbs were found to contain harmful medications unbeknown to the consumer.

And what about the contaminated drywall shipped from China that was used in tens of thousands of homes in the United States which caused many people and families to become ill living in those houses with the contaminated drywall?  What is scary is bad and counterfeit parts being shipped from China for our military aircraft, computers and military systems. During a war, we are dependent on parts that may be defecive and made in China? Wow!

Hey, lets mention a food area such as fish from China. Millions of tons of fish are imported into the United States, most from China and their fish farms. Some of the estimates i have seen is that eighty (80%) percent of the fish imported into the United States comes from China. Recent video acquired and shown on national television showed how filthy some of those fish farms are. The video showed how the employees at the fish handled the fish and how unsanitary conditions run rampant. Most of the fish were pumped full of  drugs, antibotics and chemicals and then shipped out as a safe product. What a joke!

Folks, our government is clearly not protecting the public against possible serious illness and even death. They care less about the public safety factor and more about the billions of dollars they gather up for the national Treasury. I say there was no need for 600 loving pets to die. If the administration and lawmakers were serious about protecting pets and people in this country from illness and death and contaminated products they would have taken steps against China years ago. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D/
Dr. Kuhns can be reched by email at:

Sunday, October 20, 2013



LAS VEGAS - - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

 Cheating spouses, secret affairs? They go on more often than one thinks.

There have been numerous surveys gathering information of how many cheat and why they cheat.

Based on some of these surveys, various articles, news reports and interviews with persons from my private practice as a Marriage, Family Counselor: Thirty (30%) percent of cheating men selected  their mistress's who are  younger than their wives. Forty-two (42%) percent believe that their mistress was more attractive than their partner. Interesting disclosure, seventy-four (74%) percent believed that  their partner is more interesting to them than their mistress. That's something.

Then why should a guy seek out a mistress? One major reason, according to many is that their secret lovers come across more caring, seem to be better listeners,  and clearly are more passionate.

Twenty-Five (25%)percent  of the women interviewed said that their lover was younger than their partner with about Sixty-Six (66%) percent of the women saying that their husband or partner is  more attractive than their lover. The cheating women, about Eighty-Nine (89%)  percent said they chose a lover that seemed to appreciate them more than their husbands did.

What does the man want out of their relationship? First and foremost they want SEX. They want a partner who wants sex. What they don't want is a  sex partner just (going through the motions); or having the small kids  in the room or bed. (That's not okay ladies). Or playing the old patronizing game  - - such as, "Well Bill did take out the garbage and helped me clean house as I asked  - -so we'll have sex." And you can bet the guy doesn't appreciate being put down like it's a chore for his partner to have sex with him. Like one guy explained;  My wife told me (Yeah Bob, we're married but if you really must have sex tonight - -I guess it's okay).

My advice to keep from having your husband, wife or partner from straying afield is this:

Pay attention to  your better half.  Listen to what they are saying. Really listen. Talk about things, communicate. Remember the little things and most of all remember the BIG things like anniversaries, birthdays, first time events, etc., and  don't forget  the loving touch. A soft touch or stroke goes a long way. Another hint would be to draw out and solicit ideas, wishes and likes of the other person.  Another idea would be to nurture and sooth your husband, wife or partner.. Most of all "pay attention to their wants and needs.

Guys and gals, do not take for granted your other half . Never take for granted their passion and desire they may have burning inside of them. Never believe that witholding sex comes without consequences and never stop nurturing your own passions. One major "No, "No" - - some place in your years of marriage do not tell your other half that: " Hey honey, I've decided sex is no .longer that important to me." "I'm no longer interested in it that much."

I  talked to many a family where  one of the spouses will get on the Internet and begin looking for something they feel is missing in their life. They troll the chat rooms and even go to the sites that promote and advertise swingers and cheating on your spouse or partner. Ladies and gentlemen that is the wrong way to go. Don't do it. Instead, I wold suggest that you sit down with your wife, husband or partner and TALK. Tell them it is not appropriate for  them to throw away all the work that both of you put into the relationship. Tell them not to throw away the partnership you both put into your sexual relationship.over time. And be up front with the other person and flatly tell them that if they want to go on through life and the years with you that they will have to  repair all of the things that were done to get to this point. COMMUNICATION is a biggie. Do it! - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

For Robert B- out of Florida.

Your Question: You asked -Is sleep good for you? Can I get by on 3 to 4 hours sleep a night?

Robert,right off the bat, - - yes, sleep is good for you. Only getting 3 to 4 hours sleep a night doesn't do anyone any good. Remember, we  devote approximately about ONE -THIRD of our life to  sleeping. A theory I have held for years is that when a person is sleeping the brain regenerates and  basically cleans itself up and wipes away all of the debris it had been accumulating in the previous 24 hours.

It has long been a held belief by psychologists and physiologists that sleep tends to serve in different ways ranging from  memory retention and consolidation, metabolic and immune system changes for a body and its overall well being.  But I remind you  all of the scientists from around the world have never, ever came to a consensus and/or agreement as to the original purpose for a person sleeping.

In my theory, I believe that sleep is there to give  time for the body to revive, regenerate, rejuvenate  and recover from all of its memory tasks  performed within the prior 24 to 48 hours. So, like a computer, the physiological functions working within the brain wipe clean certain areas of the brain - - cleaning it out, if you will.

Robert, in your brain is very small microscopic channels filled with fluid which maintains a network of physiological control through these channels  that in turn wipe away and clear the brain from toxins that build up from ones memory and mental exercise use. The toxins and waste is flushed through these small brain channels. Some scientists recognize this channel system as  the "glymphatic system." Certain cells in the brain control the flow of ceberospinal fluid that destroys the metabolic waste, or trash, if you will , and then recycles it through the small channels.

I would suggest that there are  numerous neurological diseases that may occur from a persons lack of sleep. They may include but are not limited to such disease as Alzheimer's;  TIA's (Transient Ischemic Attacks) which are small strokes;  full blown strokes;  dementia,; etc.  Many neurologists today do clearly associate the previous mentioned diseases to sleep disturbances.

Robert, it is my belief that lack of sleep can allow these toxins, waste and debris circulating within the brain to produce a byproduct which may possibly cause  brain damage. My recommendation would  be that everyone get at least seven (7) to  eight (8) hours of natural sleep a night because if one doesn't I would predict some sort of brain damage occurring.  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Saturday, October 19, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Where's the justice folks?. A person or persons are murdered and the killers sit on death row for decades.   Finally, Arizona executed the oldest inmate on its death row.Nearly 35 YEARS after this scum bag was charged he  finally met his maker.

Edward Harold Schad Jr., 71, was sentenced to death for killing Lorimer Grove, whose body was discovered on August 9, 1978 in  weeds and underbrush beneath a  freeway near Prescott, Arizona. A cord was still wrapped around her neck when the body was discovered.

Texas just executed a man for killing his parents in Lubbock 15 YEARS ago. At least Texas carries out the death penalty sooner than most states. They didn't wait 25 or 35 years to send the murder to his just due.

The other day Florida finally executed a man for a 1986 killing. It had been more than 27 YEARS since William Happ strangled  Angie Crowley and 24 YEARS since he was sentenced to die

In his final words, Happ said:  "To my agonizing shame, I MUST CONFESS TO THE CRIME. I wish to offer my most sincere apology. " Can you imagine? This guy did the crime, was found guilty by a jury and had the  death sentence pronounced. But he  lived on and on, and on appealing his conviction and the lousy justice system played his games. Only on his way to Hell did he CONFESS . I really don't think this murders apology does a lot for the Crowley family. These dirt bags that commit murder and then years later try to apologize rings hollow. The 21 year old murder victim, Angie Crowley had just moved to Florida only five months before  her slaughter.

Also, lets look at the "Sweethearts" murder case, as it came to be known. It happend in Davis, California . The brutal murder of the two 18 year old love bird kids occurred in 1980. The killer, Hershfield  put duct tape over the young man and girls eyes and face. He sexually assaulted the young girl and slit  both of the  kids throats from ear to ear. Folks, it's been 32 YEARS since this low life was sentenced to death. Yet, he still sits on death row while his appeals go on thanks to our fouled up judicial system. We the taxpayer, including the victims families are feeding this animal and  allowing him to enjoy life at our expense.

Whats my point?

I have always maintained there should be swift  justice to those than roam this earth killing other people. Our judicial system here in America is so dysfunctional and screwed up that justice is delayed while the courts and attorneys play their childish games of appeals, dragging the case on for years. The system  bends over backwards for the murderers.That is a given. They grant the  killers every break they can while ignoring the victims families. I  submit that there should be NO court case that should take 25, 30, 35 years in order to have the sentence of death carried out.

I suggest that if a jury does sentence a person to death - - that was their will and intent after hearing all of the evidence in the case. Folks, that is what juries are for. The courts should actually listen to the juries and follow their decision. However, the courts and attorneys refuse to carry out the sentences in a timely manner. If there is an appeal, it should be heard and done within a matter of a few months at the longest. To be fair, the courts could give the  killer two shots at an appeal. The second appeal could be limited to  three months. After that, - - no more appeals. A date should be set and the execution carried out.

 Hell, other countries  that execute killers carry out the sentence in a matter of DAYS or WEEKS on the outside.Sometime there are instances where the  killer is taken outside the same day the sentence is handed down and executed. That people is true justice. The case is heard, the jury speaks, the death sentence is pronounced by the judge and the execution date is set and carried out.

We truly need swift, fast justice when it comes to those who are found guilty of the crime and sentenced to death by a jury The victims families deserve to know and be able to see that justice has been done. As it stands now the victims families often times die before justice reins. That's wrong!

You can bet that if these killers knew that they were going to be put to death shortly after they are sentenced to die the idiots would think twice before killing someone. But as it stands now the killers know that they can sit on death row while being feed, clothed, offered entertainment and other perks for decades at the taxpayers expense and knowing they will probably not be executed. While sitting on death row the murderers laugh at the court system knowing that the games the judges, courts and attorneys play with their case will allow them to enjoy life for years to come.

I would like to suggest that any death sentence be carried out within one year after sentencing, PERIOD. I see a year to make  one or two appeals very fair. After that, DEATH. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Friday, October 18, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Senior citizens are getting screwed again people. The government is giving a Social Security COLA (cost of living) of only 1.5 percent. What a joke. For a couple of years the feds gave  nothing,--  zilch, -- zero in a social security (cost of living) increase and now when they do they give senior citizens  this pittance while Congress people, federal employees and public employees all over the nation (thanks to their unions) received and will received COLA's ranging from three (3) percent through ten (10) percent. Now folks, tell me that's fair?  Equality? There is none.

Where is the parity and equity when it comes to  receiving annual cost of living increases? It appears that this administration and the president has no qualms about looking out for themselves but when it comes to people depending on Social Security they turn a blind eye. Senior citizens are the forgotten masses as far as our government is concerned.

What this administration and the president should realize is  that the graying population and all of us seniors across the country have a very powerful voting block. I wish though that  this group would rise up and say enough is enough. Stop voting for the same old people. I wish the seniors would see that whether the lawmaker is Republican, Democrat or Independent, vote his incumbent butt out of office. Vote an entire new slate of lawmakers in to office. Give the new guys and gals a chance. They couldn't do worse than those that are in Congress already. In fact, just recently two Congress people died. When Congressman, C.W. Bill Young died -  -guess what? He had 43 YEARS in Congress. The second Congressman, Tom Foley served for 40 YEARS. Don't you believe that  many of these incumbents should be set out to pasture. Some  of these lawmakers have been in Washington so long they can remember when they played with dinosaurs in their back yard as a kid. The men and women in Congress today are the poster children for TERM LIMITS.

To all seniors across the country - - ARE YOU LISTENING AARP? I say the current politicians feel they are an entitled group and really don't give a damn about us seniors. They are only interested in votes and contributions for reelection. That is why they pander every election cycle to the senior citizen but they do not deliver what they promise. WAKE UP SENIORS. Throw all of these old worn out politicians out of office. People like John McCain, Harry Reid come to mind right away.

If a 1.5 percent cost of living increase doesn't make you angry, what will it take? When is the last time you went to the market? Look at the cost of food, the cost of gasoline, the worn out roads and infrastructure. What about the  escalating costs of your home electric, water and gas, etc.  - - -doesn't that get you riled?

Tell these idiots in Washington that we want the same COLA's (cost-of- living) increase each and every year that they are receiving. The same that the federal employees are receiving, and the same that all of these over paid public employees ( i.e., teachers, cops, firemen) are receiving. Why shouldn't we senior citizens be treated  just like the government people and receive the same (no more, no less) COLA's and annual increases? If this is ONE AMERICA as these lawmakers and president Obama keep spewing then I say, EVERYONE should be treated the same, especially when it come to receiving COLA's and health benefits. Obama and his administration takes pains to protect all of the government people by EXEMPTING themselves  from (i.e.: Obamacare health care; Social Security, pension plans, COLA's etc.)  but insist the middle class and senior citizens have to comply with he law and regulations or be fined and/or jailed. Isn't it nice that they pass laws for us to adhere to but at the same time exempt themselves from the same rules, regulations and laws? Go figure.

Public employees powerful unions bargain with the lawmakers for these  obscene, over the top benefits and  cost-of- living  raises. We seniors do not have a union. So we will lose out folks unless we DEMAND it.

I would suggest that all of us seniors vote the incumbents out of office even though you might like the way they talk or act or think and believe that YOUR Congress person is okay and not like the rest of them on the Hill. Don't kid yourself folks, these Congress people all have their hands in the pockets of Big business, corporations, insurance companies, oil and gas and banks. No matter who they are - - vote the person out and replace him or her with new young blood. The drastic change is needed. The lawmakers now in office do nothing for us. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Here's three guys that want to be attorneys folks. They are Justin  Teixeria,  Hazhir Kargaran and Eric Cuellar. These three misfits came into Las Vegas and went to the Flamingo Hotel where they  drank booze until they were brave enough to go to where  live exotic birds adorned the grounds. These low lifes caught  one of the birds who has been living at the Flamingo Hotel for more than 14 years - - his name was Turk. This particular bird was people friendly and had a following of many persons from around the globe. Most visitors knew "TURK". He was a beloved part of the Flamingo hotel/casino. But these drunken scuzballs wanted to show they were a macho bunch so they caught Turk and to show off Justin Teixeira beheaded this exotic bird by literally RIPPING it's head from its body.

After committing this heinous act the drunken bums paraded around the grounds waving the dead bird and its severed head in the air showing off what they did to Turk.

Keep in mind these three men were enrolled in the University of California, Berkeley Law School and Teixeria was a graduate awaiting his bar exam results. When the case  came to trial the three animal murderers made a plea deal so that they would still be allowed to receive their  California State Bar license and practice law. Wow! Can you imagine.

Hazhir Kargaran in May pleaded no contest to three misdemeanors.  And Eric Cuellar pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge of instigating an act of cruelty to an animal. Get this - -both men served TWO DAYS in jail and were fined. What a farce.

Justin  Teixeira has to serve 190 days in a "boot camp" in  the Nevada Department of Corrections program which will include counseling, educational and  physical training programs. After he successfully completes the  boot camp program and three years of probation the FELONY charge of killing another persons animal would be reduced to a misdemeanor. Again! The misdemeanor word. -

Folks, the only reason the three dirt bags made a deal was to get the charges reduced to misdemeanors  because IF the charges were felonies they would be prohibited from practicing law.

As it stands, KARGARAN and CUELLAR will be allowed to practice law in California once they pass the  state bar. And  TEIXEIRA will also be able to practice law after his charges are reduced to a misdemeanor once he completes his boot camp.

The Clark County District Attorney, who I think leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to prosecuting serious crimes (Cite: All the cops this guy lets walk when it comes to Police shooting and excessive force cases) went into a huddle with these clowns attorneys to work out some type of  arrangement so the three men will be able to become attorneys. You can bet, like other groups of people, attorneys  stick together and protect their own. And it looks as though they did just that in this case. Were it up to me I would have  pressed FELONY charges against the group and made sure they could not practice law anywhere. I predict also, that the California State Bar will kiss off the  horrendous actions of these three lame brains and give them their ticket to practice law using the excuse they were only charged with "misdemeanors."

The California Bar website says:

"It is the policy of the State Bar of California that persons who have been convicted of "violent" "felonies", felonies involving moral turpitude and crimes involving a breach of fiduciary duty are presumed not to be of good moral character in the absence of a pardon or a showing of overwhelming reform and rehabilitation." NOTE:  Notice the word parsing: "violent" felonies.

People, that is why these skunks had the charges reduced to MISDEMEANORS so that they will have a clear path to receive their BAR license.Although if it were me sitting in judgement at the California State Bar I would say that the actions of  the three animal torturers and killers clearly falls under the "morals" clause. The guys certainly are not "of good moral character." They should not be allowed to practice law in California or an other state.. I suggest this should be a lesson and a wake  up call to  these guys that their murderous actions require that they are not fit in any way, shape or form to be attorneys. Further, I say, let them go our and find another profession, maybe  'flipping burgers." In my mind that is all they deserve.

But you can be sure that I will remember  the names of these three idiots and will not ever consider  engaging them for any type of legal work. Personally, I wouldn't hire any one of these bad apples to take my garbage to the curb.

By the way, here's a note to consider. It is a fact that people who torture and kill animals are apt  to commit  serious crimes during their life time. And remember, a sure sign of a serial killer is usually the person starts out by killing and torturing small animals. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013



Las Vegas - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

This blog goes out to Kimberly and family who asked that I review the television program HOSTAGES."

Hostages was made for the 2013-14 "American Television Series."  Toni Collette and Dylan McDermott have starring roles. Collette  plays Dr. Ellen Sanders, a world-class surgeon and McDermott plays Duncan Carlise a loose cannon, rogue FBI agent.

Kimberly, so far I see a lot of problems with the show. First off,  the characters in the show are very uninteresting. Put that together with an unbelievable , mish-mosh story line and  it goes down hill from there.

My question: How is this hokey program a real show? It's not. A lot of the scenes really do not work. Collette runs around  spewing old worn out phrases about how she is going to save her family. You have seen and heard these scenes played over and over again in television series since dinasours roamed the earth.

Then  there is this supposed elite team that  Duncan Carlise heads up. On the contrary, this team is so dysfunctional it stretches credibility to no end. Most everyone on the team gets personally involved with the hostages in some way, shape or form. The team also fights among themselves and is distrustful of each other. And what about team member Archer? You have to know that nurse Angela IS NOT DEAD, after you saw his expressions and his bumbling acting response when Carlise asked him: "Did everything go okay?"

Then there are the scenes of the hostages in the bedrooms and other places in the house with discussions between the hostages and kidnappers. It's downright silly.

Kimberly, this show defies any logic whatsoever. For example, in one scene, Dr. Ellen Sanders goes to the grade school of FBI agent Carlise and wanders the halls and gets by (as a stranger) to talk to Cartlise's daughter. Come on! A stranger walks into a school - - is confronted by a staff teacher and all of a sudden winds up roaming the school to find the girl. And all this while she has a tracking chip embedded in her body.

My opinion: This show will take the deep six very soon. It has cliche acting and plots and the story line is just too out of it. The show is actually boring.

How this could make a series is beyond me.

What could have been  a good show would have been an elite team going  to the home of the doctor saying: "You will kill,the President tomorrow or we will kill your family. "Then the doctor should have, out of fear of losing her entire family  botched the operation and killed the president. Then, the show could have carried on a very intersting story line and plot about how the government searches and hunts down the killer team.  A series like that could survive and go on for who knows how long. There are probably tons of other scenarios that could carry a series as it relates to the hostages but this particular plot line is stupid.

But really - -a hit team that planned to murder the President on a scheduled  day of an operation, threatens the surgeon and family and then does not carry through with the threat after the doctor refuses to  do what the team told her to do. Who are you kidding. Any other srious group of killers would have wiped out the docs family. But "NO" they actually take up residence in the doctors home and plan on staying there for WEEKS.. That is really a childish story line.

Other mis-steps of common sense and logic: If this surgeon was to operate on the President what about being vetted?  What about a physical protection detail for the doctor from the Secret Service before and after the surgery. In reality there would be Secret Service agents in the doctors house, around the clock.  Dr. Sanders would be under constant scrutiny. So yes, ---  I think this series HOSTAGES is a stinker.

I predict that many television critics across the country will give a big THUMBS DOWN on this show. Watch you local papers for the shows review by these critics. -  See that I'm right. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Saturday, October 5, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Congress says that  they intend to pay all of the federal employees for being laid off.  Congress intends to pay the employees retroactively. What? Then why lay them off? These  federal employees could have stayed on the job to earn their money and could have provided the services to us taxpayers. A layoff, at least in the private sector means "you are laid off," "out of a job," NO PAY, period. But now Congress says that they will GUARANTEE the laid off fed employees back pay. The administration is going to the Treasury to print up more money to cover the employees salary. No wonder the US dollar is devalued like it is. Obama and his administration just prints more money whenever they need it. It's like tey have their own private Xerox machine. That's bad news folks.

Congress and the President played "Chicken Little" running around to all the news network and talk shows telling us the sky was falling and if the government shuts down they would lay off millions of federal employees because the government didn't have the money to pay these people?

Well, they laid the employees off but now they want to take my tax money and yours to pay the fed employees for sitting around on their butt at home. A paid vacation. Today  the government said they would also pay over 400,000 federal Pentagon employees back pay and call them back to work. What a rip-off.

The only ones hurt by the government shutdown is the small businesses across the country and the average every day citizen. We, the taxpayer, have been shut out of visiting National Parks and shut out of having  access to federal facilities . But these federal employees who could have been actually earning their salary by providing us taxpayers government services were sitting at home twiddling their thumbs  KNOWING that they would be paid for doing NO WORK whatsoever. Apparently the only people that is supposed to suffer from a government shutdown is the little people not employed by the federal government.

 The Congress people have been getting paid a salary and  now the Congress said they will guarantee  that all of the federal workers will get paid back pay for doing  no work. WOW!

This government shutdown scare is just a big "dog and pony" show between the two parties and the White House who refuse to do the peoples work as they were elected to do.

Personally, I say: These federal employees who have been laid off should not receive  one cent of salary for work they did  not do. No back pay.

If Congress votes on this issue the vote should be against any back pay to federal employees. As a taxpayer I resent the fact that this incompetent Congress intends to pay their workers for  not doing their job. We were told that the government did not have the money to pay fed employees to provide services.  So why now tell us that these same employees will receive  back pay for being off the job?

What is the administrations and governments idea of a layoff? What is their understanding of the word "layoff"? Outside of  these government bureaucrats - -  to  most any sensible, reasonable  person that ever held down a job knows a layoff  means you are told not to report to work and you DO NOT get paid a salary while your are off work. You only get paid and earn a wage WHEN you are actually working on the job.

People- I offer a suggestion: - -  write, email, fax or call these idiot Congress people in Washington and tell them NOT to pay these federal employees who already think they are an entitled group.

A second suggestion: If these Congress people pay the federal employees for sitting on their "ASS" at home instead of allowing them to provide government services to we, the taxpayer - -GET RID of these looney-tunes. Throw them out of office. I don't care if they are Democrats, Republicans, or Independents. Vote them out - -put some new blood in there. -And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at: