The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, June 21, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Bonuses given to VA employees? It's disgusting. This practice has to stop, NOW! Folks,  80 percent of senior executives working at the VA received bonuses, over and above their salaries. What a RIP OFF. More than 350 VA administrators and executives were paid a total of  2.7 MILLION in bonus money last year.. Worker's at the Phoenix, AZ VA facility, where  government officials have confirmed DOZENS of veterans DIED while waiting for treatment received about $3.9 MILLION in bonus pay  last year. The bonuses were paid to doctors, nurses, administrators,  secretaries and the cleaning staff. Can you imagine?

Assistant VA secretary for Human Resources, Gina Farrisee defended the bonuses saying that the bonus pay attracts quality employees. What a bunch of crap, that is. When any person is offered a job ANYWHERE they are aware of the salary they are about to work for. If they want the job they accept it. If is not enough and to their liking they can decline the offer and go to work elsewhere. The employees  do not need any incentive of thousands of dollars in bonus pay, over and above their salary.

I suggest that this bonus pay to employees is a  scam and a way for  government employees to milk the system and taxpayer. Once one person receives a bonus, everyone  else wants the same perk. The bonus pay is not for outstanding work habits or quality work. It's just  a way to acquire more in the paycheck at the taxpayers expense. For example: Dr. Joe receives a bonus of thousands of dollars and cleaning lady, Jane Doe, sees that, and says she wants  the same perk - -and gets it. The result- MILLIONS of dollars in bonuses being doled out to most employees, even those that lied, cheated and altered government records to prevent veterans from being treated and allowing veterans to die.

The only incentive for the bonus pay is to pad the paychecks of  VA employee's. Everyone of those employees at VA feel they are entitled to then extra pay. FOR WHAT?

My message to congress: STOP the unwarranted  bonuses, IMMEDIATELY! I predict that there will be thousands of applicants standing in line to work at the VA for the actual annual salary offered. Christ, in addition the generous salary paid  to VA employees (before any scammed bonus pay) these employees have over the top health benefits, vacation time,  cost of living (which should be discontinued) and a very lucrative retirement and pension plan that NO ONE in the private sector can ever hope to enjoy.

People, these government employees take every opportunity to rip the taxpayer off. The rip off is only for their own personal gain. As the rip off continues, the quality of work and service offered by government workers decline drastically each and every day. The American public should be up in arms over this VA scam. Americans should voice their outrage to Congress and the White House. The hard working public deserves much better and they should demand that ALL bonus payments in ANY government agency be  discontinued - - RIGHT NOW!  People that do not work in the government have to struggle along on their annual paycheck that they agreed to work for.  They clearly do not receive bonus pay.  They put in their eight hours for a days pay and that type of work ethic should apply to  government employees as well.. Bonus entitlements are not needed.  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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