The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, June 21, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended about 90,000 illegal alien minors this year. The minor children ranging from 7 to 17 are being sent from Central and South America, each and every day. They are told  by their countrymen that if they come to the United States, they will become  U.S. citizens. So far, these illegals alien children are coming in the United States at a rate of 30,000, and 40,000, a month. The  holding facilities are overwhelmed. The government is shipping the illegal aliens to other facilities all across the United States.

Now, the Catholic church stuck their nose into this illegal alien situation and is taking in thousands of illegal children. The Catholic church spokespeople are actually encouraging the  illegal children to make a run for the United States border.

I have always maintained that  our borders were insecure and this recent run on our border proves that point. Just today, President Obama says he is sending more border agents to the border to stop the  illegal children before they enter the United States.. I say he is a DAY late and a DOLLAR short. Obama never did want to secure our borders. Even when the Congress began negotiating on immigration President Obama and his administration fought against  tight and secure borders. He clearly wanted open borders so that millions of Hispanic people could flood the country and eventually vote for him and the Democratic party.

This illegal alien children immigration issue is another Obama fiasco, solely brought about by Obama and his own acts and his White House policy. Folks, President Obama ignored immigration policy ever since he came into office. He pandered for the Latino vote and got it and  pursued any way possible to allow illegal aliens enter the United States. President Obama and his cohorts then created the: "Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals" program in 2012 and instructed the DHS to "exercise discretion" allowing illegal children to illegally enter the U.S. - -Now, the number of unaccompanied  children illegally entering the United States has soared a whopping 100 PERCENT and people, IT IS GOING TO GET WORSE.

If it were me in charge I would feed , bath and  cloth the apprehended illegal  alien children for one day. The next day i would put all of them on an airplane or ship and immediately return then  to any Central or South American country they originated in. I would insist that  their government leaders  TAKE THEM BACK. If that government refuses, cut off any and all aid and  money packages designated for those countries. Tough love? You bet. Once these children are returned a few days after their arrival they will know for certain that they will  not be allowed to illegally enter the United States.

My fear is that Obama and his people will muck up this whole "illegal alien" children situation and  allow them to stay in this country. That will result in even 20,000, 30,0000 and 40,000 more illegal children crossing our border every month. Folks we have millions and millions of" illegal aliens" already in this country and we are doing nothing about enforcing the immigration laws already in place and on the books., all in the name of politics and votes. It's a disgrace.

Until our borders are clearly SECURED, the United States will continue to decline into a THIRD WORLD country. One good place to start would be:
1. Any "illegal alien that commits a crime in the U.S. should be deported IMMEDIATELY, no excuse. In fact, every illegal alien currently in prison should be shipped out, without delay.
2. A double border fence  along our southern border, running the full length of the United States with designated entry points where each person entering or departing  the country is checked and identified. Side Note: None of this waving people through.
3. Use of  computer data bases to verify citizenship of everyone coming and going..
4. Do away with this idiotic process of allowing the "illegal alien" to stay in the country while they play games in the court system fighting deportation for years.  What part of "ILLEGAL ALIEN" does the judges and the courts not understand. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL - -Deport them. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions., You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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