The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, August 16, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

President Obama is sending more "military advisers" to Iraq and he says he may have to use more military options to quell the unrest in Iraq. Another dumb move by Obama in the war that was called  the"dumb war."

Folks, Obama is oblivious to what's happening around the world. I think he makes his foreign policy decisions by a hands raised vote from a small group of people advising him. Here's a guy that never even had a lemonade stand, held a legitimate  job in his life and did  not serve in the military. He was thrown into the presidency because he  was articulate and gave a  good speech at a convention. Once he  was sworn in he didn't keep many of his promises to the country and many people call him a liar, and some polls rate him as the "worst" president since 1945.

I should say, I voted for Obama the first time around. I believed  the country needed a change. However, he couldn't stand up to the job. He bombed out as a president and the second time around I voted for Romney and voted against each and every incumbent in office. I wanted to see "new blood in Washington. I wanted a whole new turnover - -but, as luck would have it, the voters put all of the same old incumbents right back into office. They didn't change any of those 10 and 20 term  lawmakers. What a disappointment that was to me.

Obama's  new military mission in Iraq is a continuation of the Iraq war fiasco which NEVER should have started in the first place. Because of the United States meddling in the Iraqi system of government we are being sucked in, deeper and deeper. Hell, this is about the third go round. But remember, Iraq was attacked  at least a dozen times or more over the decades by other countries and it didn't change the culture embedded there.

Obama is throwing money and military might back into Iraq and he doesn't really know who is fighting among themselves in that country. There are so many different faction and religious groups trying to get a foot hold in Iraq there is no "one" group that is recognized. We have the Sunnis , the Shi'ites, the Kurds, the Yazidi and who knows what other groups will show up.  It has been that way for centuries in Iraq.  The people residing in Iraq know what groups they want to belong too and they themselves know how to segregate themselves into different areas and enclaves that they understand. The Iraqi people have been living "their way" for millenniums.

It is not for us, the United States, to interfere and tell the Iraqi people how to live, what governments to form, what to believe,  and what groups should be in power at any given time.

Obama and his ilk never learn from the past. Instead he and his friends are hell bent on forcing different cultural beliefs down the throats of the Iraqi people. I submit Iraq will never, ever be a democratic nation and/or society in any shape or form.

Iraq has never really been conquered by any outside power over the centuries because the Iraqi people know how they want to live - - and just because we built one of the largest, most expensive,luxurious, Embassies in  the world on Iraqi soil doesn't mean we have a democratic foothold in that country. On the contrary, I predict many of the Iraqi people resent our embassy being there.

My suggestion: Get out of Iraq. Obama, remove any and all U.S. military personnel from Iraq. Let the Iraqi people fight it out among themselves. Whatever group comes out on top, (after fighting it out on their own -- without our military assistance)  is the government we deal with, if they want to deal with the United States.

Right now, Obama is just using military force in Iraq killing people from various groups. not knowing who is who. All he's doing is having the military perform an exercise to sharpen and keep out military in shape. He's playing "whack a mole" with the recent air strikes.

I submit Obama and many in Congress couldn't tell you who is the enemy and who are the good guys in Iraq. Hell, it was Obama who put  Al Maliki into power as President in  the first place. Now, all of a sudden he's our enemy and Obama is backing another to head Iraq. So, you see --it's the USA's meddling in Iraq politics that brought Iraq to the state it is in today. Remember when Saddam Hussein was OUR FRIEND? We supported him for years too. Then believe it or not MONEY and OIL became the name of the game and  our big MONEY OIL corporations wanted a piece of the  action and suddenly, Saddam was our enemy, a bad, guy.

I would submit that Iraq was much better off under Hussein that it is now. And I would bet that many Iraq people would agree with my assessment. But GREED, MONEY and OIL caused the demise of Iraq, under the guise of  the USA is going to make the country a Democratic nation. I say it will never happen. - And, that's m y opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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