The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Amnesty International recently reported that U.S. Forces who have killed and/or tortured Afghanistan civilians has not been brought to justice because of failures in the U.S. Military Justice system. At least 1800 Afghanistan civilians have been killed and/or tortured by coalition  troops from 2009 to 2013.

The U.S. Military most often fails to hold U.S. military people for unlawful killings accountable. There have been cases where U.S.  soldiers broke into Afghanistan houses arrested the male adult and shot and killed the wife, children and other relatives. Another case reported  where 18 people were tortured and killed when U.S. Special Forces broke into a house, stripped the clothes off everyone in the residence, their legs were stretched out and they were beaten, then killed, and put into black body bags in front of an elderly man who witnessed the acts.

It appears that evidence of "WAR CRIMES" by U.S. soldiers is ignored by the Defense Department, the White House and many in Congress. I have always said that the U.S. and specific soldiers who commit the crimes  should be held accountable for  "war crimes" just like we hold soldiers and leaders from other countries accountable.

Folks, thousands of Afghans have been killed or injured by U.S. soldiers but the injured cannot receive any recourse. That's wrong. One of the major reasons for not holding Americans  accountable for torture and killing is because the administration and our  Congress force the invaded countries to sign "agreements" that the U.S. soldiers will not be held accountable for their atrocious acts of torture and killing.

The U.S. basically threatens the country with such things as withholding American foreign aid, military assistance and protection if the invaded country does not sign the agreement. The
administration and Congress  want all U.S. soldiers to be exempt from any war crimes.  The sad part of this is: Many other alleged allies of the U.S. go along with this policy.

It is disgusting that the U.S. and  it's allies fail to agree to be held accountable for "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity" but have no qualms about accusing other foreign countries leaders and soldiers of committing these crimes. Talk about hypocrisy, the U.S. and certain allies are the poster child for it.

The leaders of the world have the court in the Hague to prosecute war crimes and they are more than willing to imprison and execute leaders and soldiers from different countries who are accused of  such heinous crimes (with the exception of the United States and a select group of U..S. allies).

Think back on Abu Ghraib and the torture and prisoner abuse that occurred. Was the USA held accountable? Not really. Hell,  stripping prisoners, beating them, water boarding - - and other horrific crimes, yet a couple of low ranking soldiers were said to be held accountable. What a joke! Remember, we prosecuted and held the Germans and  Japanese accountable for  doing what we, the USA did at Abu Ghraib and the world sat on the sidelines like the three little monkeys -- see no evil, hear no evil,  and speak no evil. I suggest the U.S.and some of it's allies like to "rationalize" their evil deeds and condemn others who commit the same atrocities.

Right now, look what's going on between Israel and Gaza. It is clear that "war crimes" and  "crimes against humanity" have been committed but do you really think the world, especially the U.S.  will hold Israel accountable? If you do, I'll sell you a bridge in Brooklyn. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr.Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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