The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, October 12, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

As prior blogs of mine attest, my predictions regarding Ebola have come to pass. So, I dare make another prediction. If people who are suspected of having Ebola and those that actually do carry the virus continue to ignore Health officials warning of staying isolated and confined to their home and voluntarily  quarantine themselves until the 21 days of expected infection has passed there will be many, many cases of Ebola showing up around the United States.

Two cases in point: The first is: The family of infected patient Duncan refused to follow the instructions and orders of the health officials in Texas. They didn't want to be isolated and wanted to venture out among the general public  even though they may have been infected with the deadly virus. Thus, because of their stubborn refusal to follow directions  guards had to be placed outside their residence.

Second case is: The NBC news crew that worked with American cameraman Ashoka Mukpo who was infected with the Ebola virus. He is currently being treated here in the U.S. at Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. The NBC news crew had "AGREED" with New Jersey health  officials to sequester and isolate themselves upon returning to the U.S. but then "FAILED" to do so according to the New Jersey Department of Health. So, a MANDATORY QUARANTINE was issued late Friday and will ensure that the group will remain confined until October 22, 2014 the end of a 21- day maximum incubation period for Ebola. Now, the New Jersey Health Department spokesperson,  for the  Health Department, Donna Leusner, covers their butt by saying: " There is  no reason for concern of exposure to the community." Really? What if the crew eventually exhibited symptoms that showed infection with Ebola? The community would have been at risk. It's these kind of screw ups by health officials that will cause the disease to spread. This NBC crew should have been  mandated to be quarantined  "immediately" upon arrival in the United States. There should have been no if, ands, or buts about it. The crew should not have had a choice to voluntarily quarantine themselves. Why? Because like what happened, they broke their agreement and FAILED to  quarantine themselves.And like infected patient Duncan, who LIED to officials that he came in contact with  an infected Ebola person and his relatives in Texas refusing to stay away from the general population it appears that possible infected people do not give a damn about anyone that they may come in contact with and pass the Ebola virus on to others.

That's not unusual though. It happened with AIDS/HIV and other deadly diseases where the infected person refuses to stay away from others while infected. No matter what, that infected individual insists on  mixing and mingling with others. It's wrong but they do just that, usually rationalizing  to themselves that they will not infect others.

I also made an earlier prediction that if these infected Ebola patients are spread out throughout the United States for treatment it will be more difficult to get a handle on the  fatal disease and it will spread. I believe that any and all people diagnosed with Ebola should be transported to and treated  at one  "central" location. They should be isolated and quarantined at that "one" facility location. I submit that would be much safer for the general public. The entire country would feel confident that all of the infected Ebola  patients  was being cared for at a specialized location by health care workers who could control the environment at any given second. I also submit that there would be less chance of an error occurring at the one location rather that having an  incompetent health care worker who violates  policy and protocol at some hospital(s) spread out around the country. All it's going to take is "one" health care worker to screw up like the nurse and doctors in Texas did and the result will be crops  and clusters of Ebola infected people in different towns and cities across the nation.

In the 1950's I had the opportunity to travel to Hawaii and spend some time at the Leper  colony that was segregated  on one Island of Hawaii. At the time, it appeared to be a good model to treat Leprosy. It could be said that with such a deadly disease as Ebola, the idea of one facility, one location (like the leprosy colony) in  Hawaii  is a good argument for treatment and control. If it were up to me I would argue against having Ebola patients treated here, there, and everywhere throughout the United States. People, we are not talking about a flu, a cold, even heart disease, diabetes, and the myriad of other diseases that afflict mankind. We are talking about one of the most deadliest, fatal diseases on the planet.

I would like to see all of these health department officials (talking heads) that go on T.V. and play the political correct card and (we got it under control) card take swift, concise action which may include, but not limited to:  suspended flights from the West African countries;  a ban on visas regarding people from the West African countries; treatment  and quarantine of any infected Ebola patient done at one location in the country, at one facility.

I  would venture to say that if some of my suggestions are adopted we would have control of each and every infected Ebola patient centralized. Tracking, observation and treatment of the Ebola patient could easily be under one roof. This idea of "I think the patient is okay, release them." is bad medicine. Foe all pf the medical community's bluster and assurance that everything is just "peachy" is a disservice to the American public. I suggest that there is still a very lot of unknowns to this Ebola virus that the medical people are  unaware of (long term) and being afraid to make some people angry or upset by quarantine and isolation for the sake of a "free society" is ludicrous. - -  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decision. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr, Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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