The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Senator Marco Rubio, who is considering a presidential run said Sunday that president Obama has thrown away valuable leverage to bring about a political change in Cuba. What a bunch of political garbage that is. President Obama made the right decision to resume a better relationship with Cuba. The move is long over due. Rubio also attacked his potential presidential Republican opponent, Kentucky Senator  Rand Paul who, like me, agrees with president Obama's decision. Rubio, who is Cuban-American says that Obama's new policy will not bring democracy to Cuba. He said:  "What the president has done will not do anything to further the cause of "democratization" Is he kidding?!

When all of the young Cubans living in Cuba see a level of openness between the USA and Cuba and such things as, the lifting of many restrictions on travel, imports and the transfer of monies , Internet use and other areas that now hold back the Cuban people, Cuba will be brought into a whole new world of wonder. Democracy as we know it, probably not, but Cuban president,  Raul Castro has already said that we, the United States should respect their form of government just as they respect ours.

The young Cuban generations love American things. A recent 20/20 news program interviewed some of the young adult Cubans in their country and the majority want the United States and Cuba to come together. Fact is, these young Cuban adults don't remember why the embargo and restrictions were started in the first place.

Rubio and his ilk still doesn't get it: It's people like him that try to force the United States way of democracy down the throats of other countries. How did that work out so far? People,  look at Iraq and, Afghanistan for starters. We started wars saying we the USA will bring our form of democracy to these countries, instead, all we did was instigate, provoke and instill hard feeling and hatred with the peoples of these countries, and in the process killed, maimed and destroyed causing the people of those nations to come to hate America. Rubio's thinking is totally lopsided. It's childish thinking. And this guy wants to be president --

Hell, for decades now we have  been carrying on  relationships with such countries as Vietnam, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, just to name a few and clearly the U.S. is always saying these countries are violating human rights against both men and women.These countries have anything BUT a democracy like the United States, yet we deal with them on a daily basis and think nothing of it. So why should we enforce a 50 year embargo and inflict restrictions on Cuba when they do not do half as much bad things these other countries do? My answer is: We shouldn't. I submit we, the USA should have had normal relations with Cuba all those 50 years.

Rubio also said: Cuban democracy activists "feel betrayed" by Obama. What he doesn't tell you is these Cuban activists are the older generations of Cubans that came to Americas shores in  the  1970's and in the  boat lifts era. The beliefs and thoughts of those older Cuban generations regarding Cuba's democracy and independence fight doesn't even  connect with the young Cuban generation.

However,  Senator Rubio in his quest to be a nominee  for president of the United States apparently has a hidden agenda by fanning the flames of the millions of old generation Cubans in exchange for votes in a presidential bid.

It appears Rubio is afraid of the competition from Rand Paul  in a presidential face off. He states that the Senator from Kentucky,  Rand Paul does not know what he is talking about. What? It is Rubio who looks like he wants to suppress Cubans from breaking out into the world. He essentially wants to "isolate" Cuba and it's people and maintain a 50 year old status quo situation. And Rubio's obsession with Rand Paul is such that he is continually trying to tie Paul to Obama's coat tails. saying Paul agrees with everything Obama does. What a crock, folks. Don't believe that poop. It takes a good politician to say they agree with the other side of the aisle and compliment the other side when they do WHAT IS RIGHT. On this Cuban matter Obama did very good in formulating the package and Paul agreed with Obama's policy in this case. That my friends is a mark of a good politician.

I say to Rubio, if the rigid constraints that was put on the Cuban people has not made a change in FIFTY (50) YEARS ,doesn't one  believe that changing that stance and loosening any embargo and penalties will certainly make the Cuban people's  life much better. My answer would be a resounding YES.

The deal that president Obama made with Cuba was in the making for a long time and behind the scenes talks between the two presidents had the support of other leaders of the world which included a large piece of work by the POPE himself, who took a special interest in the  matter. After due and careful consideration all parties involved came up with the final deal that was  announced  by president Obama. It was and is a good deal. Personally, I do not think it went far enough. I suggest that Obama use his powers to remove any and all restrictions only leaving ONE small item on the books so as to satisfy the current law. The president could do this if he should chose to do so and I I would like to see that step taken. It's time to treat Cuba as a friend NOT a foe.

Another personal observation of mine is that I suspect Rubio has his nose bent out of joint only because he was not asked by president Obama to participate in the important talks taking place. Secondly, because  Rubio himself didn't have the where with all and the foresight to bring Cuba into the 21st. century and Obama accomplished what he could not do and that fact sticks in his craw.

In all probability Rubio's only interest in the Cuban situation is garnering votes from the old school senior citizen generation of Cubans living in Florida and around the country.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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